Board Certified Behavioral Analyst - Joanne Craig, BCBA, LABA 413-441-7914

ABA therapy is an evidence-based treatment approach used to improve the behavior of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It has been proven effective in addressing challenging behaviors and improving social skills, communication, and learning. The Parents of children with ASD benefit from learning ABA therapy techniques to support their child’s development.

New Growth ABA offers direct ABA therapy services to children with ASD. As part of the program, we provide training to parents on ABA therapy techniques that can be implemented at home. These techniques include:

1. Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement involves rewarding desired behaviors to increase their frequency. Parents can use this technique by identifying a behavior they want to grow and rewarding their children with something they enjoy. For example, if a child speaks using a complete sentence instead of a single word, the parent can reward them with praise, a high-five, or a preferred toy.

2. Token Economy
A token economy is a reward system where tokens (e.g., stickers, tokens, or points) are given for desired behaviors, which can later be exchanged for a reward. This technique can be effective for children who struggle with delayed gratification or who are motivated by tangible rewards. Parents can use this technique by creating a list of desired behaviors and assigning specific tokens for each. When the child accumulates a certain number of tokens, they can exchange them for a reward.

3. Task Analysis
Task analysis involves breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This technique can be effective for children who struggle with completing multi-step tasks independently. Parents can use this technique by identifying a task their child needs help with (e.g., getting dressed) and breaking it down into smaller steps (e.g., putting on socks, pants, shirt, etc.). The child can then be taught each step individually and gradually work towards completing the entire task independently.

4. Discrete Trial Training
Discrete trial training (DTT) is a structured approach to teaching skills repetitively and systematically. This technique often teaches basic skills such as matching, sorting, and labeling. Parents can use this technique by breaking down a skill into small steps and teaching each step individually. The child is given a cue (e.g., verbal instruction) to perform the skill, and a reward is offered for correct responses.

5. Naturalistic Teaching
Naturalistic teaching involves teaching skills using their interests and motivations in a child’s natural environment. This technique can be effective for children who struggle with responding to structured instruction. Parents can use this technique by identifying their child’s interests (e.g., trains, dinosaurs, etc.) and incorporating them into teaching opportunities. For example, if a child is interested in dinosaurs, the parent can use toy dinosaurs to teach counting, colors, or other skills.

6. Self-Management
Self-management involves teaching children to monitor and regulate their behavior. This technique can be effective for children who struggle with impulse control or who engage in challenging behaviors. Parents can use this technique by teaching their children to identify their behavior and set improvement goals. The child can then track their progress toward their goals and receive rewards for meeting them.


ABA therapy techniques can benefit parents of children with ASD. By learning and implementing these techniques at home, parents can better support their child’s development and improve their behavior. If you want to learn more about ABA therapy techniques, contact New Growth ABA which provides services in the Chicopee and Northampton, MA area.